Code Bytes

An overview of all the posts and tutorials made over the years.


CSS Specificity
CSS Tips


Translating Swift Enum Type into Elixir
Adding XML support in Phoenix 1.7
Using @discardableResult in Swift


Mocks and Elixir
Status Bar Background Color in SwiftUI


Postgres not running with Homebrew
Multiple Sheets in SwiftUI
Background Color for SwiftUI
SF Font for CSS
Enumerating Tuples In SwiftUI
Enumeration and ForEach
Coding Problem Splitter


Swift Extensions
Cachex with Phoenix


Datasource and Traitcollection
Elixir cond do
Voiceover on Tableview Cell
Safari Capture Screenshots
Date and Time Functions
Prepend node path error
Learning VIM


Enum intersperse
Preferred status bar style
Loading local JSON file
Parsing XML (Final Solution)
Parsing XML
Get font families
Enum as asset identifiers
Enum sort
Enum with an index
Creating a View
Import CSV
Export to JSON
List Databases
Export database
Export to CSV
Postgres Querying
Accent characters
Case insensitive column
Delete specific rows
Run localhost webserver
Recursion and Flat Map
Local IP addresses
String concat pattern matching
String split at
With and else
String split
Custom Elixir Module for Filtering Lists